Reflections on Life

Come walk with me through life’s long journey

Sometimes arduous, always bumpy

Often full of amazing surprises

Of delights, hurts and sometimes prizes

The end for some is sad regret

The challenge is of the journey itself.


We begin with eyes so innocent and fresh

With minds uncluttered, with hearts unmeshed

The body alive, vibrant, and free

Open to life’s demands and debris

We welcome every hurdle, chance and challenge

With spirit, energy and talent.


In youth we seek varied experience

Try our turn in every ambience

To discover our every hidden talent

To romance, dance and be gallant

To dream and delight, to dare and defy

To enjoy life, and never ask – why.


Some will encounter fortune, some acclaim

Others love, companionship, perhaps blame

Each turn we take is ours to choose

Though sometimes fate decides to bruise

But never give in, never surrender

Always be your vision’s defender


As we grow, age and mature

And encounter each turn and contour

It dawns the gifts of life are free

Companionship, fresh air and greenery

The trees and birds are ours to enjoy

If we take a moment to be alive


Stop and savour the journey so far

Take a fresh look at who we are

Pause and reflect on opportunities to date

That chance has presented on a plate

There are many who have not received as much

Who luck is yet to love and touch


Life is indeed a precious gift

Don’t take it for granted or set it adrift

It’s our decision to be happy and explore

To meet each challenge and whatever in store.

The end will come no doubt we know

The final closing will depend on how we grow


The Virus